LGBTQ Poetry/Prose Reading with Dan Lopez, Martha K. Davis, Josh Gershick, Brandi Spaethe
7:00 PM19:00

LGBTQ Poetry/Prose Reading with Dan Lopez, Martha K. Davis, Josh Gershick, Brandi Spaethe


TOBI HARPER is Deputy Director of Red Hen Press. While completing an M.A. in English Literature, Tobi served as Editor-in-Chief of San Francisco State University’s graduate student journal Interpretations and wrote a thesis titled “‘What is it?’: Examining Narrative Shifts in Twentieth-Century Genderqueer Novels.” This thesis was presented in an abbreviated form in 2014 at Queer Yo Mind Conference in San Francisco, CA, and in 2013 at Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference in San Diego, CA. While serving as the “Queerstorian” Officer of the Queer Student Union, Tobi co-founded and co-organized the First Annual Isla Vista Pride Festival in 2010 as well as the Big Queer, Little Queer mentor program in 2009. Tobi Harper, along with Red Hen Press, is committed to the queer in the matter, the wicked other, the celebration of acceptance, love, and the story that dare not speak its name.

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Drunken Masters: Sex + Romance
8:00 PM20:00

Drunken Masters: Sex + Romance

Drunken Masters is: 3 writers read/perform short excerpts from a work-in-progress in front of a panel of 3 established writers in the field who provide on-the-spot feedback. The only catch is that these master writers have been plied with drink or PG indulgence of their choosing. A laid-back, entertaining (and sometimes riotous) reading!

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12:00 PM12:00

Michelle Latiolais in conversation for her novel She, our July pick for Soup of the Month!

A nameless fifteen-year-old runs away to Los Angeles, seeking life beyond the harsh constraints of her evangelical upbringing. She is the narrative of her passage, from her escape on a bus through her quiet, determined progress across the city's unforgiving terrain. The journey takes her into and around the lives of Angelinos from all walks: a dancer whose hyperactive sense of smell makes her fiance's presence insufferable; a penniless botanist who earns her keep creating sugar-icing flowers to decorate glamorous wedding cakes she can never afford; a dentist lamenting the abuses done to the teeth of a patient for whom he has cared dutifully. Her odd encounters, set against the backdrop of Los Angeles's flagrant wealth, cast into relief its eccentricities and the everyday trials faced by its collection of lost souls. Together these stories reflect and refract one another, illuminating a poignant, unflinching portrait of loss and the search for identity in its wake.

Event date: 

Sunday, July 30, 2017 - 12:00pm

Event address: 

Book Soup

8818 Sunset Boulevard

West Hollywood, CA 90069

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Diversity of Desire, Writing Queer Perspectives
7:00 PM19:00

Diversity of Desire, Writing Queer Perspectives

  • Flintridge Bookstore & Coffeehouse (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

DIVERSITY OF DESIRE: Writing Queer Perspectives

A panel moderated by ERIN JUDGE with Catie Disabato, Dan Lopez, and Martin Pousson brings together Southern California's most exciting emerging LGBT voices in conversation about writing novels that feature LGBT characters in diverse contexts and environments, from Louisiana to Chicago to Boston to Florida. Each of these writers deals with the specificities of individual characters and their circumstances, as well as navigating the overarching politics of our society and the evolution of social perspectives. 

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Indie Voices from Indie Presses
5:00 PM17:00

Indie Voices from Indie Presses

Dan Lopez, Wendy C. Ortiz, Alex Espinoza, Martin Pousson

Los Angeles-based authors Alex Espinoza, Dan Lopez, Wendy C. Ortiz, and Martin Pousson discuss the ways they found homes for their unique voices and the independent literary communities that champion them, from publishers to bookstores and publications, in LA and beyond.

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PEN Center USA & The Edison Book Club
6:00 PM18:00

PEN Center USA & The Edison Book Club

Join us on March 1st to imbibe and discuss Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin

Wednesday, March 1, 2017
6 PM - 8 PM Happy Hour and Book Discussion
Hosted by Dan Lopez

We are happy to be co-sponsoring this month's club with Lambda Literary!

“A young American involved with both a woman and a man. . . . Baldwin writes of these matters with unusual candor and yet with such dignity and intensity.” —The New York Times

Dan Lopez is the author of The Show House, named a Best Book of 2016 by Chicago Review of Books, and Part the Hawser, Limn the Sea, a Lambda Literary Finalist for Debut Fiction. His work has most recently appeared in Los Angeles Review of Books, The Millions, Storychord, Time Out New York, The Nervous Breakdown and Lambda Literary. He lives in Los Angeles.

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TERTULIA the 13th, A Reunion
6:00 PM18:00

TERTULIA the 13th, A Reunion

Presenting a very special edition of our popular literary salon featuring both selections from some of the 12 original writers from our very first salon, as well as a selection of our newer voices. We’re honored to have special guest Dan Lopez join us for the evening and read from his work. Dan’s work has appeared in The Millions, Los Angeles Review of Books, The Collagist, Storychord, Mary Literary, Time Out New York, and Lambda Literary, among others.

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